Why do Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
2006-08-08 19:04:23 UTC
Why do Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?
Four answers:
2006-08-08 20:58:49 UTC
why does anybody
2006-08-09 05:35:25 UTC
Why wouldn't Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

Have you ever been to an Indian (feathers--not dots) Tribal Casino over the Thanksgiving holiday? It is standing room only--the teepee/longhouse is filled with the 'white man.'

Evidence suggests that following the First Thanksgiving festivities at Massachusetts Bay Colony, the Pilgrims were introduced to friendly games of Blackjack and Roulette by the Indians.

I guess the more things change, the more they stay the same!
2006-08-09 02:17:19 UTC
It's a day off work for most people and who wouldn't want an excuse for a big meal?
kitten lover3
2006-08-09 02:47:54 UTC
Beats the hell out of me.

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